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French Painter Renoir Café, Musée de Montmartre – Jardins Renoir- Miss Valerie

Article written by Valerie Swanson-Parmentier

Artists’ café.

It’s a perfect place for a romantic pause in the heart of Montmartre and to get away from the hustle and bustle of the city. (Especially after visiting the famous SACRE COEUR Basilica). Perfect place for a tea dessert break or a late afternoon cocktail too.


The Café Renoir is located on the ground floor of the Hotel Demarne, overlooking the Renoir Gardens next to the Montmartre museum. Take a moment for a coffee break under Hubert Le Gall’s beautifully decorated glass roof. Space is heated in the winter. On the menu, you will find coffee, tea, pastries, and snacks.

In summer, tables and chairs are set out in the gardens, just like in Auguste Renoir’s painting Dance at Le Moulin de la Galette. (that is referred too in the delightful movie “Amelie” by stunning French film director Jean-Pierre Jeunet.


For your next visit to Paris: to not miss and do! Sit in the swing which has been restored and where Renoir painted a young woman in the summer light. Go Enjoy Renoir’s garden that is so poetic in Paris and is located in Montmartre (obviously), rue Cortot in the hills of Montmartre! The garden unfolds in front of the Hotel Demarne.

Renoir painted a young woman in the summer light

Amazing buildings and memorable location: Bâtiments remarquables et lieux de mémoireArrondissement 18e (dix-huitieme)18th District Paris

  1. No 6 : house of pianist and composer Erik Satie – domicile du compositeur Erik Satie entre 1890 et 1898. Il logeait dans une petite chambre au deuxième étage. Il disait : « Je vis dans un placard, au coin de mon froid. »

  2. No 12 : one of the oldest house of the Montmartre hills: the Manor of Rosimond, where you can find the Montmartre Museum focused on artists of this district. Une des plus vieilles maisons de la butte de Montmartre, le manoir de Rosimond daté du xvie siècle, abrite le musée de Montmartre consacré à l’histoire et aux artistes, du quartier de Montmartre. Le peintre Maximilien Luce (1858-1941) y a eu un atelier, ainsi que Raoul Dufy en 1901.

Point de vue: Les Jardins Renoir offrent une vue exceptionnelle sur les vignes du Clos Montmartre

Non loin du Musée de Montmartre, vous pouvez trouver le Lapin Agile, célèbre cabaret typiquement Montmartrois ou encore la célèbre Basilique du Sacré Cœur


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